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What We Do

Employee Coaching

Coaches are not just for executives.  At Strategic Productivity Resources, we offer coaching service to non-management level personnel.  

Employee coaching is neither mentoring or counseling.  We teach employees how to develop productivity and time management related specific skills needed to performing task and responsibilities, such as establishing priorities and deadlines, delegating and communicating effectively.  Employees juggling the transition between working from home and returning to the office with the added responsibility of child care and homeschooling can also benefit from guidance on how to deal with an overwhelming to-do list.

We offer these services in individual and group coaching sessions.


Strategic Productivity Resources can also be part of an employer's corrective action plan to assist staff struggling with performance and attendance issues.  By learning and applying our methods for improved time management, we are certain the results will contribute to a greater level of productivity and success. Strategic Productivity Resources will help employees with managing workspace issues both at home and in the office.

Confident businesswoman mentor holding tablet leading corporate meeting briefing with dive

Your Organization Will Benefit From Over 25 Years of Experience in The Industry


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Productivity Coaching for Individuals & Groups

Strategic Productivity Resources can be part of an employers corrective action plan to assist staff members in performance and attendance  issues. We will coach staff to help develop and apply time management skills, techniques and strategies to complete project assignments as planned, on time and within budget. We will direct employees with lateness and attendance on changing their perception of time and guide them to incorporate these strategies to become a permanent part of their daily routine. 

By learning and applying our methods for improved time management we are certain the results will contribute to a greater level of productivity and success.

Strategic Productivity Resources Supports Your Unique Work Environment




Productivity - Break it down into Small Bit Size Events (minimum 10 minutes)

Setting Priorities

Time Management - Important, but Not Urgent


Business Changes due to Covid-19, Start-up, Downsize, Growth, Closing


Time Management - Increase Discretionary Time

How to say "NO"

Communication - Handle the Interruptions

Business Plan
Business Plan
Business Consultant
Two diverse businesspeople chatting sitting behind laptop in office. Excited caucasian fem

Time Management


Meeting Deadlines


Attendance Coaching


Priority Coaching



General Information Management

Working from home with Covid-19

We can help you develop strategies and techniques to Maximize the Return on your Time with remote working

There’s a way to gain success in business with improved productivity and organization and Josephine and her team are prepared to provide the guidance to achieve it!

Schedule A Consultation Today

Our Services
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